Friday, March 21, 2008

Critters: a postscript

Was I too precipitous in declaring that the ravens had abandoned the Courthouse nesting area? A comment from DDD appeared this morning: hanging around outside the Arts Prescott Coop last evening gazing at the Western facade of the Courthouse I saw two ravens courting (HA! no pun intended!) They were in the nest area then went up on the top and the male was presenting twigs to the female to see if they were good enough for her home. Then! Along came another male and the first spent about ten minutes chasing the intruder all over the square while the female went back and inspected the nest. Finally the nest preparation resumed as the sun set. Good to hear! Sounds like ravens are nesting later this year; credit the chilly weather, perhaps? I am reminded, too, that my lone robin has located him/herself a potential mate; I've heard call and response warbling the past couple of days.

Which reports -- since they have to do with critters -- reminded me that I finally got pictures of Max busy at one of his favorite occupations: tipping over, then climbing into any waste basket he can find. Once he is ensconced, he is quite happy. I'm not; he doesn't pick up all the scrids and scrads of paper, etc., that he spills in the process of getting comfy. But -- I have more to say about cats. Consider the idea of a felis like Max, except that he weighs, oh, 150 or 175 pounds. He's up on that tree branch....

...or the wall at the front of the downtown library. Isn't this new life-like mountain lion sculpture just the greatest? He's only been there a couple of weeks. I would hate to see those yellow eyes sizing me up out on a trail -- or in my back yard, as has happened on the fringes of the city.

To complete my brief update on critters -- I bought myself a new little owl yesterday to add to my small collection. Unlike catamounts/cougars/pumas, owls don't frighten me, though if I had a small kitten, I'd be quite careful out of doors.

Honoring Spring: Haven't collected enough evidence of spring for a proper post; Home Depot had few flowers that I wanted; all I have blooming is a handful of daffodils plus an apricot tree up the hill. So... in the right hand column, new links to 10 past posts dealing with the flowers that bloom in our spring (and summer and autumn). And you might be amused at the Aussie Bro dealing with American security measures in Perth. Next morning: speaking of critters, I was quite wowed by this post by the Backyard Arthropod Project, all about the ichneumon wasp and, just incidentally, the mongoose.


  1. Great pictures of Max!!!

  2. Cat-A -- I think you just have a soft spot for cats, as long as you are bigger than they...

  3. Anonymous11:53 PM

    I love that pic of Maxcat curled up inside the trashcan. And that's a splendid mountain lion sculpt!

  4. Possibly, Max would appreciate a trash can of his own, although making a proper mess for you to clean up has it's merits.


  5. Loved the "Library Lion" - what an inspired piece of public art!

  6. The ravens are nesting at the courthouse, the robins are finally calling out their cheery evening song..all's right with the world..
    That Max!

  7. The ravens are nesting at the courthouse, the robins are finally calling out their cheery evening song..all's right with the world..
    That Max!

  8. I keep posting two comments lately. I think my computer's slowing down or I'm getting impatient or both..

  9. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I like Max and the larger stationary critter. Very nice. I don't know who here and here is, but they direct you to an anti virus site that is a pain in the backside.

  10. Anonymous9:53 AM

    GJ, Gardagami, is spam, if you haven't checked it out.

  11. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Love the feline "fotos" today, GJ. Your Max is the Omar Sharif of kitties.

    ~Anon in AV.

  12. dotter -- each splendid in it own way; I agree!

    bro -- I suppose you could consider bending over to pick up each little piece of scrap a good form of exercise. Which I do need, of course.

    avus-- you've chosen the perfect word.

    brain -- it is very easy to save a comment one two many times. But it doesn't matter; as you note, all's right with the world this morning!

    NOTE: there was a SPAM comment that landed here & which I removed, but not before steve, below, had taken a bite...

    steve -- I have removed that piece of spam --sorry that you followed the primrose path!

    anon av -- I'll pass the compliment to Max; he'll be really puffed up!

  13. Crazy cats always getting themselves into trouble! Max looks like a handful! :)

  14. tombo -- he is; he tends to be vengeful, has a temper & is inclined to bite when he shouldn't.
