Saturday, March 22, 2008

Of beading & books

Spring has sprung. A lovely walk downtown today; tomorrow, down to the desert for wildflowers. Woohoo!

Today's walk included a definite goal -- friend Georgene Lockwood was one-third of a book signing trio at the Arts Prescott Coop. Also present, Bobbi Wicks and Rowena Tank, both beaders with projects in Georgene's new book, Complete Idiot's Guide: Beading Projects.

Beading currently on display at the gallery includes jewelry by Rowena...

...and by Lana Ante, who also has a beaded bonnet on display -- a project that took a good six months to create... some very handsome belts (above) and hat bands by Rolling Thunder.

On my way to the gallery, I noted this group of wrist bands in the window of another gallery. Beading is currently enjoying a major renaissance among craftspeople. Of course, Arizona is a mining state and our local rock shops have featured gem stones as long as we have lived here.

Visiting a bead shop reminds me of the great fun I had as a child going through my grandmother's button box. You never know what you will find. These pictures were among several taken at Rowena's BeadIt beadery at the back of the Sun West Gallery.

Beaded Easter eggs?? Why not. Rowena and Georgene hold open the pages where you learn how to do it.

There were beaded Easter eggs among those displayed in the window of the gallery. Looks like my best shot didn't include any! However, here's my chance to wish everybody a Very Happy Easter.

Linkage: A reminder of my older flower posts links -- in the right hand column, directly below my blogroll. And how could I allow an Easter season to go by without a link to my granddaughter 's annual egg dyeing project?


  1. Delicious, I love beads!

  2. lucy -- I love the colors, shapes and styles of individual beads and those rainbows made from hanks of seed beads are terrific. But I don't think I'd ever really get into beading as a pasttime; my preferences lean toward what are termed fiber arts by the high-fallutin.

  3. Granny: Happy Easter!

  4. And to you, david!

  5. Anonymous7:18 AM

    What a delight to meet you during Georgene Lockwood's book signing on Saturday. I have read your blog for sometime and enjoy every word. Thank you for Walking Prescott. Rowena Tank

  6. Welcome, Rowena! I've heard Georgene mention you many times, but I finally had my chance to meet you! So glad you enjoy the blog... and a reminder to readers that Rowena, too, has a blog dedicated to arts and crafts around town and the world.
