Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Awesome oak & otherwise updating the Square

LinkMy last try at photographing the lovely oak accents at the downtown post office was a flop -- I didn't think to use the flash, of all the beginners' boo-boos. Fortunately, today I had business with the postal people, giving me a chance to redeem myself.

A brass accent in the center of that beautiful, heavy oak table in the first picture. I would imagine that those round empties once held bottles of ink. Anybody reading this remember fountain pens or brass quills?

More oak framing: here, high windows to help light the in-coming box mail sorting room.

What the ceilings of this 1930s building look like. Quite as pastel as the picture, BTW.

There was one wrong note in the post office lobby -- a scabrous looking radiator, against the marble paneling.

Out on Goodwin Street, I came across my first piece of good news; the Talking Rock real estate office is leaving the center of town for its on-site office out at Inscription Canyon. One less real estate office on the Square, though I'm sure that this location will not revert to its original use (a wonderful bookstore, The Satisfied Mind).

I couldn't resist the clock in front of the Chamber of Commerce. It reminds me of an ornate pocket watch or perhaps a Victorian lady's watch pendant.

And the second piece ofgood news -- I had thought that the Cat's Meow was gone forever when it vacated the corner of Montezuma and Gurley. Not. Seems it has taken the space left by The Betty Co., which, I guess, couldn't sell enough Bettys to make a go of it. Anyhow, the CM now has more space right on Whiskey Row and I'll be able to scrounge a fudge sample every so often. Further: it seems that splendid corner location has a new tenant, though I didn't walk down that far.

I want him! At Van Gogh's Ear. But I fear he'd cost too much to allow him to join my ants or my new horny toad (pictures later).

Further good news: though it's difficult to find practical necessities on the streets surrounding the Square, I was able to buy back-up batteries in this little goodie shop in the midst of the Row's saloons and galleries. Whew! A very useful addition, especially if you run out of smokes or want ice cream, popcorn or jalepeno brittle. They must do a very good business, as rents are surely prohibitive for a large variety store.

And, finally, the best news of all. Tombo reports that this nest on the west side of the Courthouse is occupied by a raven pair. I didn't see the birds, but I'll take his word for it.


  1. Anonymous2:30 AM

    Is the Cat's Meow the shoppe that had some Red Hat gear along with assorted things female on offer?? Plus fudge, of course.


  2. Beautiful work at the post office! All those tidy boxes satisfy my obsessive-compulsive nature. And I have a fountain pen that I still use but it takes cartridges. And I should use it more because the ink dries up between bouts of writing with it. I love that metal creature at VGEar. I see his arms are made with what appears to be bicycle chain links, although the scale is not clear. That works for me too!

  3. Nice pics of the post office! I love the historic feel inside that building, though I've never managed to make it inside with camera in hand. :)

    We can hope that talking rock's location won't be taken up by another real estate office. Especially since realty executives just moved in across from st. michael...

    The new store at the Cat's Meow's old location is called 'Drawn West'. I believe I saw an open sign on it finally yesterday, but didn't go in (not my type of store). :)

    Of all the little galleries downtown, VanGoh's ear is probably my favorite. They always have a very diverse, but entirely pleasing selection. Of course they are all a bit spendy for me as well, so looking is all I get. Some of the HUGE arizona picture/paintings that they have are to DIE FOR!

    And I promise I saw two ravens up on the courthouse. They must be camera shy these days... :)

  4. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Super post. Loved the pictures. They could paint the radiator.

  5. bro -- yes, that's the place. It did change hands right after that going out of business sale, BTW.

    juliar -- isn't the critter splendid. Obviously a cross between a hamburger and an arthropod.

    tombo -- when it comes to art depicting the local scene, I tend to go with Linne Thomas, over at the Arts Coop. I like the way she catches the spirit of yesterday's Prescott.

    steve -- but then I wouldn't have that contrast to point out!

  6. Fountain Pens? I love 'em, collect them and always use a 1950's Parker 51 for letter writing. There is something infinitely satisfying about the sensuous way it glides over the paper, leaving a graded line according to pressure. Ball pens? No thanks - not for "serious" writing.

  7. Another great post.
    I love the ceiling in the PO.

  8. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Sigh...how momentous going to the post office, the library, or the bank could seem with those decorative high ceilings! I'm glad that demand for postal service is vigorous enough to keep the building from being converted to, say, a real estate office.

    I love my fountain pens so much I'll lend them only to people who look to be older than sixty-- many of us younger than that have no idea how to handle them.

  9. avus & melanie -- I remember the very first ballpoint pens. One of the brightest boys, with a dad who was an engineer, owned an early model. It was blue-purple all over his shirt pocket -- which is why the pocket protector, obviously! As for fountain pens, I recall my Esterbrooks, which were the cheap kind -- and then, later, I bought a really fancy India ink fountain pen for drawing. A wonderful tool, that was.

    meggie -- curious -- it's very understated & was difficult to photograph without it looking washed out.

  10. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Lovely photos. How nice to have such a post office.

    The circles could have been for dip pens such as the Esterbrook Dip-less. Wouldn't it be grand to have those again.

  11. new anonymous -- welcome to Walking Prescott. I used to love those Esterbrook pens.
