Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The half bird post

Something got into Blogger this evening; it hasn't accepted picture downloads since about 8:30 p.m. So there I am, minus nine images, all cropped and PhotoShopped. Ah, well, half a loaf and all that jazz.

In case you hadn't already guessed it, seated above is my favorite bird, the raven. Not an especially exciting portrait; it is there to remind everyone of your everyday raven pose. That way, you'll understand the picture below. Same guy, same seat. However, he is making his cawing squawk. Watch a raven sometime; you'll discover that he always swings his wings part way out when he caws. It's a curious sight.

I'm glad that my downloads included my acorn woodpeckers, because it's a reminder that two of my regular visitors today posted far better woodpecker photos from far away places (OmegaMom and The Red Squirrel). The birds above are exploring a neighbor's house as a potential storehouse for their nuts. Their MO is to peck a hole, then push an acorn into it, saving it for a rainy day.

This little guy must have had a flea or a mite that needed excising; shortly thereafter, he hopped to the top of the telephone pole to survey the world. Telephone poles and tree trunks (as well as parts of neighbor's houses) are often studded with acorns.


  1. Beautiful birds! Ravens are one of my favorites as well, but the woodpeckers are so beautiful and entertaining.

    It's funny you posted this b/c I was also thinking about a bird post. There were a male and female Verdin at my window this evening, but I couldn't snap a picture in time.

  2. kim -- birds are the reason I bought my current camera, with a 10x optical zoom (though I notice I get fringes when I'm pushing it...) The most elusive of all my yard birds are the scrub jays; I see them all the time, they shout at me, but don't stay still long enough to take aim.

  3. Anonymous2:46 AM

    I haven't seen any Ravens here, but lots of blackbirds that see to hang out in flocks. They gather on the field after the farmers have plowed. A good food source for worms and such. Enjoyed the post and the pictures.

  4. steve -- our only flocking black birds here in Prescott are the grackles, who summer in the mountains.

  5. Those ravens are dramatic! I don't often get a good bird pic really, they just move too fast. Sometimes I can get a bad one which will help with id later.

    Saw a newstand today which said 'St Brieuc signs petition against starlings'. I was led to wonder who they were going to present it to, the chief starling, or the grand head of all the birds? Tom remarked it would be easier just to get rid of the humans...

  6. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Great images of the ravens.

  7. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Glad you hung in there with Blogger!

    ~Anon in AV.
