Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Forbing Park yard art

Forbing Park is a portion of Prescott that most local residents know nothing about, though they might buy a flat of petunias at Watters or order a filet at the Dry Gulch Steak House. Both are located on the periphery of the neighborhood. Fact of the matter is that FP is not a part of Prescott -- this very old subdivision is in the county, though surrounded by the city on all sides. It's a wonderful blend of junk, gentrification and plain living, where old-timers, artists, young families and miscellaneous others are mixed together in a melange that would cause any self-respecting, orderly city planner to pee his pants. I really, really like it.

I've been playing Scrabble with friends who live there; today, the he of the family gave me a quick tour, allowing me to collect some excellent yard art. Such as this huge propeller planted in front of a quite old mobile home.

This sculpt is a large tree cut-off, with the bark peeled, then turned upside down, balanced on three main branches. Makes a quite spectacular piece seen from the road.

And at one residence, a reminder of the old west --a horse, a burro and a pig, plus farm implements and an old wooden wagon. Close-ups follow below.

However, this is the piece de resistance: a great arch of antlers, fronted by the dapper iron man.

Isn't he terrific? He compares quite favorably with the iron man at the Electric Hog on Granite Street, though he is certainly more the country guy who rides horses a lot, compared to that stainless city guy. The hat is quite something special -- a real stovepipe.


  1. Wow, an absolutely wonderful find GrannyJ!

    As you said, I was mostly unaware of this area beyond the steak house and the Iron Springs Cafe. :)

    Love the iron man.

  2. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Ditto on what tombo said, thanks for giving them the PR.

    Can you Comment back with some cross streets? I'd like to find the area on Google Maps.

    ~Anon in AV.

  3. tombo -- I've known about this back-in-time area for a long time, but had never toured it with photographer's eye (and an excellent guide).

    anon av -- check your email.

  4. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Nice post. I thought Prescott was small enough to easily become familiar with the town. Guess one must have plenty of time and transportation or a pair of stout legs. I prefer to ride myself.

  5. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Will do.

    Oh, and thanks for the snake! LOL

    ~Anon in AV.

  6. Man, that's a flashback for me! I grew up in Prescott, but have been gone for many years. The mention of Forbing Park flashed back to old memories, we had friends there, and one of my dad's favorite bars. The residents were gritty and creative, looks like that hasn't changed. Elaine

  7. steve -- I was in my friends SUV in Forbing Park. As a non-driver, I take advantage of every opportunity I get to ride with a friend and explore a new area. BTW, the town is somewhere around 35-40,000 population.

    mommafar -- welcome. Glad to refresh your memories and many thanks for sharing them with us!
