Sunday, December 28, 2008

Art on casino hill

It was at the library that I first saw this bronze miniature, wondering, at the time, just where the large scale sculpture was located. I should have guessed -- it is at the entrance to the Prescott Resort and Casino, owned by the local Yavapai Indian tribe.

In the real world, the miniature gives one a much better picture of the piece than is possible on the ground, where the the lighting is absolutely dreadful. I had to really use the magic of PhotoShop to bring out the detail below; the original shot consisted of a dark object.

The companion bronze is in the lobby -- a far better place to catch an image of the basketry lesson.

Quite new in the lobby is an installation of objects from Yavapai life -- plants, baskets, bowls -- all rendered in glass by artist Jim Antonius.

Titled Emergence, the work represents a genesis story of the Yavapai, according to a description in the Courier. The shields above are based upon designs by Viola Jimulla, late chieftess of the tribe and a master weaver. As for the sun below, I don't recall exactly where it was located vis a vis the Antonius work; however, it is a cool piece. (Besides, I always like to include any suns that are hanging around just for my dotter up in darkest Alaska.)

It was hard not to notice the art deco lighting fixtures throughout the lobby area. Each was finished off with a huge quartz crystal, probably like those PrescottStyle found over in the Copper Basin recently.


  1. Almost makes one wish to place a wager or two.


  2. I believe that first statue represents Viola Jimuela..maybe both do?
    I haven't been to the resort for a couple of years..haven't seen any of that wounderous glass.
    Thanks for taking us, GJ!

  3. Anonymous9:20 AM

    That is some nice art work. I guess they are making money with the casino.

  4. bro -- I tried taking pics of the casino in operation. Ho boy, did that get me attention. I had to get out fast before they confiscated my camera, but did get one shot.

    brain -- who knows, maybe they serve rhubarb pie up on that hill?

    steve -- it's a very small tribe (under 300 souls, I believe) and they also have a bingo hall with slots. I suspect they're doing Very Well, tho don't know how the economic downturn is affecting them.

  5. Anonymous12:09 PM

    There is some Escher in that last photo if you look at right...or wrong.

  6. boonie -- it works best if you cross your eyes.

  7. Anonymous7:57 PM

    OOooohhh, I do see the Esher-esque-ness of your last photo.

    Great "catch"!

    ~Anon in AV.

  8. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Granny J, Those are Beeg crystals! I think the Artist dude who made them got them down at Quartzite.

  9. anon av -- I'd feel a lot more clever if I'd caught the escher-esque-ness meself when I took the photo...

    style -- sounds likely. BTW, dotter & I looked for your photos, but all art had been taken down for the Duration. What Duration, I don't know.

  10. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Oh no Granny J, one must go to the rooms upstairs to see them. They are not much, but 2-3 different shots. I wish you could see them. I'll send you a copy email.

  11. everybody -- style sent me one of his pictures -- of Thumb Butte before the attack of the bark beetles. Beautiful!
