Saturday, December 27, 2008

Snap-Snap a quirky thrift shop

One of the regular bloggers about Prescott life is Sadira of Foolsewoode; in everyday life, she is prop. of Snap-Snap, a very cool resale shop on Montezuma next to Radio shack. I should have posted about this shop a long time ago, but time passes and one's photos sometimes go out of date.

I mean ... look at that faux leopard cape and matching hat that would do Marlene Dietrich proud. Had I posted earlier, that cape would not have been in the window. If I weren't married to my backpack, I'd have snapped up the outfit even as I walked in the door. (When I was much younger, I owned two black woolen capes -- one long, the other mid length. Elegant items for a bit of a weirdo; besides, they kept the Windy City's gales at bay. Beat a coat all hollow).

Snap-Snap isn't just about the clothes and accessories. It has its own quirky style -- note the lava lamp above.

Yes, well worn blue jeans are a must -- but how about that bright R.E.D. paisley skirt?

Or the splendid Mandarin style top amongst the vintage clothing on sale.

To really experience the shop, it's quite necessary to lift up your eyes to what's on the walls above the clothing racks. Bumperstickers (above). Old ethnic dolls (below).

Frames highlighting featured goods. Not to mention a stylish mail box and a man's formal outfit -- or is it strictly for the maitre d'?

Scooby Do is featured in the men's wear room. As I recall, there was at least one Cat in the Hat painted on the opposite wall, as well as this Suessian character (below).

And I truly wondern just how Sadira came into these vintage goodies. Anybody besides me old enough to recall Buster Brown, the shoes for kids sold in stores which fitted them using an fluoroscope -- a practice which was, of course, dropped like a hot potato around the end of the 30s or perhaps right after the Enola Gay launched the atomic age and radiation fear. (I just discovered that BB is still around, quite to my surprise.) Another of her fine trademark collectibles is the Pillsbury doughboy (below).

As you can imagine, it would have been easy to spend the rest of the day taking more pictures -- but the dotter wanted her afternoon in the sun at the Santa Maria. While we're speaking of thrift shops, did I mention that there's now a Goodwill store in town out Iron Springs. I promise that I'll scope it out soon.


  1. I hear Sadira's building is for sale. Hope she can survive.

  2. cat-A -- Kate & I noticed the For Sale sign on the building the other day. Considering the market, one wonders how long it will take to sell the building...

  3. Granny J, I love the faux leopard cape and matching hat! but mostly just wanted to take a minute to let you know how much I have been enjoying reading your daily walks. Thanks for the unique perspective!

  4. Anonymous12:11 PM

    If only Sadira could buy the building, if she wanted to. Maybe all of the merchants in that building could form a coop and buy it together?

    In these economic times, I bet they all could work out a deal.

    ~Anon in AV.

  5. Anonymous2:22 PM

    The "Seussian character" is in actuality a Disney Cheshire Cat, from their original Alice in Wonderland movie.

    Yeah, Sadira's shop is a gas!

  6. diana -- I am looking forward to your 365-day project; I like your outlook on things!

    anon av -- but then, Ian and Rich would have to move their gallery...

    dotter -- thanks for the intel; I would not have guessed at that being a proper Cheshire cat!

  7. You're too sweet! I swear Granny J...most of those clothes you pictured are already sold...

    I acquired the Buster Brown for a song at our very own swap meet...and same with the LARGE Pop-n-fresh. Both made me giggle and I knew that I must possess them...this is how I come into most of the things I covet...

    Not to worry about the building, as it's been for sale for 2 years and I have already survived one change of ownership in the 14 years I have had Snap Snap. The current owners are great, so I hope that if the building sells that any new owners would choose to keep all of the longtime renters. If something else should happen, I hope that an even better opportunity will come along for me (in these economic times, lots of spaces are coming up for lease) I do wish that the rather large For Sale sign was not posted by the sign for the shop, but there is nothing I can do about that (it's already blown down once...)

  8. cb -- are you writing from the southern deserts? I am already envious of whomever scored that cape, even though I couldn't wear the dang thing these days...and thanks for the reassurance about the building.

  9. re: fluoroscopes in shoe stores.

    When I was a kid they still used them in our town. Born in '46, so that would mean well into the 50's. We used to sneak in and look at our feet on the way home from school. Lucky my toes still look like toes!

  10. I didn't realize that the fluoroscopes were used that late in the day! Yeah, it was great fun to see your foot bones in that machine...
