Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy, Happy New Year!

So, it's New Year's Eve...

One is supposed to take stock of the year past (bah! humbug!) ...

...look at the road ahead (oops!)

...and wish everyone the very best for the coming 12 months!

I'll drink to the last sentiment-- otherwise, I'm taking Garrison Keillor's advice that New Year's Eve is a holiday only for those under 25. It's been a long, long time since I did New Year's Eve. However, I can pull myself sufficiently together to wish for a


Oh, my! I just visited the dotter's blog, where she has posted a video of OmegaDad and the OmegaDotter doing the disco on New Year's Eve. Worth it for the cartwheel alone.

Daily Photos From Around the World: Since 2009 is the year that everyone is expected to pinch pennies, what better way to save a buck and still see the world than picking a collection of cities from, oh, Asia or Africa or Europe or the South Seas to visit daily. Quite easily done, thanks to those hundreds of Daily Photos from Wherever. You can dance a czardas in Szentes (Hungary) ... mosey down to Montevideo (Uruguay) ... or you can go home again to the OC (Calif.), to pick a handful of destinations. To get a master list, click on over to Around the World, a service compiled by Gerald England, he of the Hyde Daily Photo, which I visit periodically, along with Helen's Albuquerque Daily Photo -- and now our very own Prescott Daily Photo, started just recently. I'd visit many more -- but take a look at my current blog roll! There's this little matter of time.


  1. Anonymous1:13 AM

    I hope your New Year is a healthy and enjoyable one GJ.

  2. Happy New Year Granny J......hope it is the best one yet:)

  3. All the Best Granny - keep showing us the aspects of Prescott.

  4. Hello Granny. Forgive me for being so bold, but I'm doing a bit of blog surfing to invite people over to my blog to join my annual giveaway. There are no gimmicks. It's just my way of celebrating two years of blogging. I'm giving away a free caricature drawn by me. I'd be honored if you came over to check it out.

  5. Granny, thanks for visiting and commenting at The Limb again. You inspired a post. Check it out.

  6. steve, change & avus -- thanks for keeping me in mind!!!

    rick -- as commercials go, yours wasn't too bad, so I'm leaving it for the time being.

    limb -- OMG, what a blast from the past. Thank you for your curiosity.

  7. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Happy New Year, mamasan! Glad you liked the disco party!

  8. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Happy New Year, Granny J!

    It will be a happy one with your posts in it. :-)

    One day at a time, we will all enjoy the Walking Prescott journey!

    ~Anon in AV.

  9. Thanks for the links, I have enjoyed my touring!
    Happy New Year!

  10. dotter -- the disco party was the greatest. I can visualize the GD in a Stravinsky ballet in a few years! Or maybe something Martha Grahamish.

    anon -- except on those rare occasions when I take the day off, that is...

    meggie -- great to have you with me.

  11. Oh, look! Thanks for the link to me *) One of my favorite things about blogging is "Traveling" the world everyday.

  12. welcome, suz -- I fear I'm not very far away when it comes to travelling the world! On the other hand, I know just what you mean; there's a wonderful world out there on the web.
