Thursday, January 01, 2009

I give up!

It's difficult enough to compose a clever or thoughtful blog post with a dang cat in the lap (especially when his chin heads toward the keyboard). But when he wants all the real estate available, it's nigh onto impossible. I think I'll give up for now. See you all tomorrow night!


  1. Dear Max!

    Happy New Year GJ, and thanks for all the wonders you share.

  2. Anonymous11:50 PM

    Aw! He looks so darned comfy in that 2nd picture!

  3. Anonymous2:27 AM

    If you could teach him to type. The stories he could tell.

  4. Too cute!! Never have seen a cat sleep on its back...dogs, yes but not a cat.

  5. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Ah, good thing cats don't have thumbs. He'd have his own blog!

    What is it about cats and computers? LOL Mine loves it when I find singing birds on YouTube or chatting cats.

    Great Max Cat post; it's a classic!

    ~Anon in AV.

  6. What a beautiful cat! And I hope he is nicer-natured than the one that lives here.

    I wish you all the best in 2009, and I hope to drop in from time to time to read what's going on in your part of the world.

  7. Max is a big dude, isn't he? My Jazz also rolls over on her back when I pet her but the others aren't that trustworthy.

  8. My cat does EXACTLY the same thing. IT's like they can't stand that you are paying attention to anything but them.
    Happy New Year!

  9. Cats are silly creatures; even if they don't think so. Dogs, on the other hand, are goofy and proud of it!

  10. Lucy -- yes, he is a dear cat -- when we aren't fighting over who is the alpha cat in this household.

    dotter -- he is comfy -- and smug, too, as he's pre-empted the computer.

    steve -- he wouldn't tell stories -- he'd brag about what a big, strong, clever dude he is.

    changes -- Max is convinced he's invincible, therefore quite safe in that position.

    anon av -- funny, Max has never taken to the screen. All he wants is to take over the real estate & be close to whatever it is I am doing.

    stitch -- he's like the little girl with a curl in the middle of her forehead. When he's good, he's very very good -- you know the rest.

    cat-A -- Max would never roll over on his back to be petted & I wouldn't dare try petting him when he's in that position!

    sue -- exactly right...

    qd -- Max would totally disagree, of course, and, as for dogs, he's convinced that the neighbor's dogs are prime targets for teasing.

  11. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Perhaps Max has a need for self expression?
    Years ago there was a famous cartoon that showed 2 dogs sitting at a computer with the caption "On the internet, no one knows you're a dog". Nor a cat, Max might add.

  12. dagny -- Indeed he might. I think that he sleeps in my office; who knows what might go on after I fall asleep.

  13. Maybe there's a kitty chat list that he's just waiting to get on to -- and needing you to get off the computer so he can! :-)

  14. How relaxing! I feel more relaxed just looking at the picture... must lay down and let hum of disk drive sing me to sleep...

  15. cath -- actually, he's an understudy for an appearance on LOL Can I Has Cheezburger/

    warren -- zzzzz

  16. Anonymous8:27 AM

    I guess it isn't unusual to get lots of comments about that glorious cat, but no many wanted to touch your next post. Go figure. I guess it is denial.

  17. steve -- it isn't just the subject of recovery, though denial may be part of the problem there. I didn't rouse much interest in Hillside, either!

  18. Anonymous6:00 AM

    I have a Siamese who does this to me several times a day. Needless to say, I go through a lot of lint rollers.
