Sunday, December 07, 2008

A Saturday stroll

My problem with parades is that I am short; nor do I take it for granted that people will make way for me to stand in front. Result: I almost never bother to show up for the floats and the marching bands. However, I lucked out yesterday when one element of the Christmas parade motored west on Gurley. Shortly thereafter, at the United Methodist Church, I was treated to a manger float. Minus the holy family, the wise men and maybe a camel or two. No doubt they'd already been stowed away for next year's event.

There were even a couple of vehicles decked out in tinsel. Don't you agree that Christmas decoration on cars is an idea whose time has arrived?

But this sign was a puzzler--it pointed south on Park. Where were the lords and ladies holding their joust? There had been no word in the paper that the Society for Creative Anachronism had scheduled any sort of do.

While I was puzzling about the SCA, I discovered yet another mysterious door, up there atop the little strip of stores on Gurley.

Over by the United Methodist Church, a reminder that Kay and Eleanor keep the weeds clipped and the greenery tidy.

The city isn't doing quite so well by the church parking lot -- that is quite a mean pothole at one of the Beach Street entrances. Not to mention this nearby no parking sign which is totally sunburned and barely readable.

Somewhere in the area a few trees have been trimmed, with the logs stacked for wood-burning gleaners to cart away.

The drapery at the back of the Lincoln School playground was new to me. I presume its function is noise abatement and privacy for the householder cheek-by-jowl next door.

I did manage a passable picture of a bird while out walking -- of course, it's just a LBB, but I was pleased, nonetheless. The yard cat below was a lot easier to catch. But no sign of the tuxedo cat; however, I discovered that there's a cat door at his house. I expect he's enjoying the warmth indoors, just like my Max cat.

Frosty Linkage: If you enjoy the absurd as much as I do, you'll appreciate this picture of a sofa covered in frost. Photo by Lorianne at Hoarded Ordinaries.


  1. That was more fun than the parade any day:)
    Now I'm wondering what's behind door number two!

  2. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Do you think the door could lead to an upper outhouse? Perhaps a heating or cooling unit. Nice pictures.

  3. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Did you sniff the air maybe "SCA" was advertising the presence of a vendor selling "Spicy Carne Asada."

  4. brain -- I suspect that this particular door may lead into (or from) the late Fred Wells' gunsmithery.

    steve -- see above; FYI, outlanders, for years Fred was a colorful local character; very nice guy & he had a wonderful tool set-up.

    AZ -- wrong type-style for carne asada.

  5. LBB?

    Some sort of blue bird?

    Sadly blue birds are very rare around here, with only the raucous jays and a very occasional indigo bunting.

  6. pb -- nope -- Little Brown Bird, though we do have real blue birds (2 kinds) that one sees occasionally, as well as 2 or 3 kinds of jays (scrub jays, pinon jays and the really beautiful Steller's jay). The only jays at my house are the raucous scrub jays.
