Monday, January 19, 2009

The dinosaur for all occasions

It must be a blast to be a children's librarian. Where else would one's job description include turning an everyday dinosaur into a mermaid? I forget on which occasion I found Tippy, as the saurian's name turns out to be, swathed in green, with a gorgeous blonde DO to complete the illusion. Snap, I took a picture at once. Found out that Tippy regularly changes his persona to suit the season, holiday or special program.

For instance, I stopped by the children's library on Friday as I was heading to the chamber music concert. A totally different dino -- he was, ARGHHH, a pirate. Note the details: a parrot to say "pieces of eight" and a miniature treasure chest, plus big boots, a sword and a skull and crossbones. The idea behind this costuming evolved because one of the librarians lent a family treasure -- an old sea chest -- to hold prizes for kids taking part in the month-long winter reading program. Naturally, the treasure chest said "pirates" and Tippy was outfitted accordingly.

The librarian showed me the picture (above) of Tippy meeting Santa during the Christmas season so I boldly asked if any other pictures existed. Just look at the wonderful images I got in the email that evening:

Tippy as Cupid for Valentine's Day (above) and as a goldfish (below).

Dinosaur-go-braugh for St. Pat's Day...

transformed into an Easter bunny-saur (above) and, with added ears and trunk, into an impressive elephant (below). Maybe he was promoting the book, Dumbo.

I'm curious what he'll be wearing the next time I stop by.


  1. Pleasingly immaginative those 'bookies'.


  2. I can't tell which is my favorite; St. Patrick or the Easter Bunny

  3. bro -- like I said, what a job! Though the pay is probably not the best.

    qd -- I found the huge bunny's tooth a neat touch, but really admired the evolution into elephant.

  4. That is positively awesome!

  5. tombo -- since I can't manage the local graffiti grottoes, I have to make do with saurians. But they're quite neat, aren't they?

  6. I'm in the library all the time, but have never noticed this guy! I'm rather partial to cupid, the sweet little wings..the cunning little bow and arrow..
    Too Fun!

  7. Anonymous3:01 PM

    It was great to see you at the library as always, Granny J. Thanks for highlighting Tippy in all her fabulousness!

    Amadee @ the library

  8. LindaG -- seeing as how you do a lot of books on tape, you're right in Tippy's neighborhood.

    amadee -- your section of the library is way cool! Sorry about the sexism == somehow, dinosaurs are always masculine in my mind, tho that doesn't account for dino-ettes.

  9. Anonymous6:41 PM

    This librarian needs to be promoted nationally! What a creative soul!

    The children must love Tippy even more... that natural, little-kid infatuation with dinosaurs anyway. And, to see Tippy transformed with each special occasion must fill the kids with glee!

    Huzzah, Prescott Library, huzzah!

    ~Anon in AV.

  10. Oh, those are HILARIOUS! I'm going to have to share them with our school librarian!!!!

  11. anon av -- right now I am planning a new letter to my smallest granddotter which will feature all those Tippy pictures, plus a few words for her to read...

    beyonder -- our local library has some wonderful stuff; pop the word library into the search box to see the great horned toad and mountain lion sculpts, for instance.

  12. WHERE did the librarian find Tippy? He is so cute! I bet the kids love him! Her? It?

  13. beyonder -- I've no idea; I suspect he's papier-mache & maybe homemade or made by a local artist. BTW, how on earth do you find time to teach, tend horses --and do all those interesting blogs???
