Sunday, January 18, 2009

Prescott blogger meet-up

We did it! Despite the competition from the big football game down in Phoenix (and on local TV screens) a good group of local bloggers got together this afternoon over at Casa Sanchez to see what the people they know only from the screen really look like.

At my last count, there were slightly over 40 local folk who blog on a regular basis, whether they are writing about local news, their own interests and hobbies, or highly specialized topics such as the role of PCs in education or how to use technology (including blogging) to assist visual impairment. Most of the locals are listed over at the right hand side.

We will probably be meeting every month on the 2nd Sunday, same time (2 p.m.), same place (Casa Sanchez). It's a great crew!

Who's Who: As requested by a commenter, picture one -- As Your World Changes, Photos from Prescott, Ric & Debbie's Place, Observations, Airstream Chronicles, Foolsewoode. Picture two -- Airstream Chronicles, Foolsewoode, Tombo, Inner Eye, Dagny's Desk. Picture three -- Inner Eye, Dagny's Desk, Rowena Art. If you'd like a list of everybody who's ever signed up for a blog on Blogger, go to My Profile in the right hand column and click on Prescott. Today, there were 388 listed (and another 1 in Prescott Valley). If anybody out there can tell me how to get similar lists from the TypePad, WordPress, LiveJournal or other blogging platforms, by all means send me instructions! Furthermore:

Any and all other local bloggers are invited to meet-up with the group. Next time, Feb. 8, 2 p.m. at Casa Sanchez.


  1. Oh, drat! I totally spaced it. But I was roasting turkey and trimmings and trying to watch the inaugural concert AND the football game so I have excuses galore. Next time!

  2. I'm sorry I missed it too. Maybe next time.

  3. Anonymous12:20 AM

    I thought it was rather narrow of you to say that MOST of the local bloggers are listed on your sight. There are over 300 bloggers from Prescott.. 387 to be exact.

  4. Anonymous7:22 AM

    What a nice afternoon that was. It was great to chat with fellow bloggers. At one point the cameras came out and away we went! Rowena Tank

  5. Name some names Granny J! I would have like to have been there. Maybe I will make some of your spring/summer/fall turnouts. Looks like a good group.

  6. Anonymous8:25 AM

    I must say I was very impressed. No table dancing, we didn't get thrown out of the place and some excellent conversation. Next time I think I'll even order a beer. Thanks for the invite, GrannyJ.

  7. Anonymous8:42 AM

    What a great idea! How old is the oldest continual blog there?

  8. cat-A -- the turkey sounds yummy! I figured that you were probably watching The Big Game -- we were missing a couple of others due to the game as well.

    abby -- we'd love to have you. Next time Sunday, Feb. 8, same time, same place.

    anon -- today, 388 listed at Blogger only -- no idea about TypePad, WordPress, Live Journal and other platforms. Any other bloggers out there who are interested are welcome to come next time!

    rowena -- twas a good group

    qd -- check back on the post. I'll put them in a footnote.

    tony -- glad you showed up, Tony.

    boonie -- don't really know, but I suspect it might be Rich of the Airstream Chronicles.

  9. I had a great time Granny J! Just like always. It's so wonderful to put faces with screens...and to meet new people to check in with as well...we'll see you next month!!

  10. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Another good time Granny J. Made the first Blog get together May 5th, 2007, and now this one. Much fun!

    I've been blogging since 2005 with the original Gadget's Airstream Chronicles. Carried over to The Chronicles continued a few months ago thanks to some lovely hackers.... :)

    300+ blogs Prescott. Zowie, that's a large pool. We'll need more chairs at the restaurant! ;)

  11. chick -- was great to see everybody; I'm already looking forward to the next meet-up!

    rich -- you may well be the longest-running blogger of the bunch. Problem with the 300+ is that you stay on Blogger's list if you sign up and post once (or sign up and never post!) However, there are a lot out there we need to reach!

  12. Anonymous9:57 PM

    What a fun crew, GJ.

    Glad you have such a nice community.

    ~Anon in AV.

  13. anon av -- I repeat myself -- it's a great crew.

  14. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Dear "Granny"
    Wondering if I could email you about life in Prescott, AZ - as far as living there goes?

    I'll send you an email at the Virtual Tourist web site (where I found you). I see you haven't been there in a couple of years.

    Anyway, that's all for now,
