Friday, January 09, 2009

A small reward: Thai take-out

For the past week, I've been helping Georgene launch her new site, Yavapai Central. She, in turn, is helping me come to terms with the Stuff Problem. (After all, she is the author of the best selling Complete Idiot's Guide to Organizing your Life -- that counts for a lot more expertise than I bring as a blog consultant!) What has this to do with these pictures? Simply that after clearing one small heap of clutter, I decided that a reward was in order this evening. Thai takeout. Good food. No cooking. No dishes to do.

Such a tiny little hole in the wall over at the Goodwin Street Plaza. Many, many years ago, an equally tiny coffee shop occupied the space, run by an interesting chap named Jason, who collected a fine following of opinionated locals. Unfortunately, he left long ago to follow his muse.

Tonight my dinner was a mild pineapple rice curry; I've forgotten what the noodle dish below was called. In any event, 'twas yummy.

The owner (right) and her young niece, only in this country for four years. The owner, in the states since 1975, has run the little take-out for five years.

A seated Buddha high in one corner presides over the premise. According to the niece, the Buddha has seven positions, one for each day of the week; her particular Buddha, determined by the day of her birth, is in a reclining position. Further, she said that the fat, smiling statues one sees are not the Buddha, but simply monks of one variety or another.

As for these fellows -- they are borrowed from the Chinese to bring good luck to a business. I trust that they are looking out for Tai Foon.

Linkables: What about a list of words and cliches, newly coined in 2008, that we can do without? Top of the list is my most unfavorite -- staycation, a marketing man's word if ever I heard one. Yuck! Speaking of words, Meggie laments the lost art of letter-writing. A newspaper article lets us know that house concerts are growing in popularity; it's a trend I heartily endorse. Over in some parts of Germany, Christmas celebrations include Three Kings Day; Steve has pictures, while BoxElder offers a splendid collection of frosty images to close out the holiday season. Finally, the new Festival of the Trees has been posted.


  1. GJ - I spent the afternoon in Prescott. Lunch with the BRD's beau at the Office, then a visit to Sweet Tart for some take-home goodies for SWMBO and I. A visit to city hall to re-aquaint with the City Manager and the Mayor, then a visit to Snap Snap to see Sadira, on to the Ian Russell gallery where I met Rich and saw his and Ian's exemplary work and on to visit another friend and drop off some stuff at the BRD's house and finally home. With all of that, I thought I might encounter you, GJ, but the closest was Rich showing me the amazing photo machine you photographed recently. Maybe next time.

    By the way, the Thai food looks good!

  2. Anonymous1:57 AM

    GJ,the food looks great. We have one Thai establishment in the area, but I haven't tried it yet.

    Thanks for the mention.

  3. Your take-out is our take-awa


  4. cat-A -- I was oing to walk yesterday, but it chilled out & my bones get very cold very fast these days, so I got a ride down to the GS Plaza & returned to a warm house. Sounds like you really made the rounds yesterday.

    steve -- you should try some, really. Good stuff -- presuming that you have a good Thai restaurant there in Bavaria.

    bro -- as ever, a slightly different phrase, just to confuse folk -- though take away is pretty easy to understand. Unlike dinkum for example. I've been fascinated with the adventures of S'Weasel who recently moved from Texas to the UK to marry a native... she has all sorts of comments to make, mostly snarky.

  5. MMMM....I used to get lunch there all the time when I lived in Prescott. I love their Tom Yum soup. The Thai House Cafe was also a real treat....excellent curry. I miss Prescott's Thai food...I think it's better than many other places I have been. I also miss Hugo's Mexican food...have you been there?

  6. kim -- actually there's yet another good Thai place over in PV (that features homemade coconut ice cream!) As for Hugo's, I haven't been there in a while. At one point, it was rumored that their landlord was kicking them out and they were moving to a site up near the Dells. But I guess the current bad real estate situation put the kibosh on that nonsense.

  7. Thai-Foon is awesome! Great food, always friendly service, and very affordable. :) Good choice!

    As for Hugo's - when I talked to one of the employees he made it sound like the possible move was something they were looking forward to. That might have just been for show though...

  8. tombo -- all I can say is that anybody who hasn't tried Tai-Foon -- you should! I keep looking at Hugo's to make sure it is still on Montezuma. I probably won't show up there until it warms up a bit.
