Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Intimate landscapes

That is what artist Tony Reynolds calls these small, scenic sculptures that may include tiny houses, trees, a dog and even skyscrapers. They are currently part of the featured show at the Arts Prescott Co-op on Whiskey Row, through February 14.

It's difficult to see in this photograph, but there's a tiny, lost little cottage amongst those looming condo or office towers. But my favorite is below -- what sheer chutzpah to envision a tornado made of clay, but there it is, with Dorothy's house blowing away and little Toto left quite by himself in those flat fields of Kansas.

Much better studio photographs of these and other works by Tony are on display at his web site; he also writes two blogs, one at his web site and a new one at the Daily Courier. As a strong advocate for public art, he has done a terrific job of photographing outdoor art around the Prescott area for his blog; be sure to to view all the pages of this collection -- he's been all over the place!


  1. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Kudos to Tony!

    When I turn a corner and a public art piece greets me, I'm always pleasantly surprised.

    ~Anon in AV.

  2. Tony's imaginative pieces are a wonder! I like them all, but I really covet the tornado...Thanks for the link to his site, GJ.!

    P.S. I put a picture on my new blog, Prescott Past that you might like:)

  3. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Interesting pieces of art.

  4. Wow. Those pieces are so clever. I think I'll scoot over to his website and check this out. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Anonymous3:25 PM

    GJ, Thanks for the world coverage and good words. As for the two blogs, I couldn't do better than emulate your dedication. Here's to wanderin' and lookin'.

  6. Very cool -- thanks for sharing!

  7. anon av -- I especially like it when the piece of art is totally unexpected, as was the iron man at the biker shop the first time I saw it.

    lindag -- imagine sculpting a tornado!

    kate -- aren't they just quite clever. There are a lot more at Tony's web site.

    tony -- the exhibit deserves the coverage. And, do keep up the outdoor art project. Have you done the dinosaurs yet?

    warren -- Tony's collection should be of special interest to you... and, Everybody -- Warren does a wonderful job of collecting public art in Tucson. My, but there's a lot of it.

  8. These are great - thanks for sharing.

  9. Good to have you visiting again, avus!
