Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Walk hints at spring

Well, more than hints. The first blossoms of the year are always on the domesticated jasmine, followed shortly by the wild manzanita. It's funny -- I never anticipate the jasmine flowers; they happen as a surprise every year. Nonetheless, it will be another month or likely more before those empty tubs below are filled with new plants.

But then, as I am out walking, last year's pods are a reminder that the trumpet vine will bloom anew. While I'm about it, why not a picture of the shadows of last year's pods?

Another reminder that time passes: Eros ready for Valentine's Day. Question: red eyes? I thought that red eyes were merely an unfortunate artifact of digital photography that we could all do without.

Here's a sentimental touch at one house in the neighborhood -- a plaque proclaiming the driveway to be Emily Drive. What is your guess: daughter or wife?

Then there's this high hatch in a garage, perhaps formerly a barn. Suitable, perhaps for bales of hay to be tossed in? As for the door leaning up against the window below: 1) the window is right on the alley and thus not very private and 2) it might well be the bathroom. So why not an informal cover?

The final surprise of this walk was meeting up with un-Max, another Siamese/tabby mix who was looking a bit lost but then settled down in the middle of the alley to consider his situation. There are not-so-subtle differences: un-Max hasn't turned as dark as my favorite cat and he is wearing a collar. I don't know whether to hope I see this fellow again or not.

Yet More Links: Have you ever heard of a bourdalou? Me neither; however, Judith at Not Dead Yet has a series of pictures of these dainty little urinals for m'lady plus a bit of the history of the object, its need and its use. As you are only too aware, I am a bit of a cat fancier, however, I'm not going to let Max take over my photographic duties as Cooper has in his household; you can get a load of his picture-taking at Cooper--Catphotographer. Among the curses of our throw-away culture -- what to do about dead big boxes and abandoned malls. Here in Prescott, it took a surprising number of years before the empty Fry's out West Gurley found a new use; Popular Mechanics has a article about what might be possible. And, before I collapse for the night, I have to report that I just visited LindaG's new Prescott Past postcard blog; she's featuring a view of Gurley toward Thumb Butte -- but the greatest thing is to take a look at the picture blown up to catch detail, such as the little bridge across Granite Creek or the gent on the rear platform of the streetcar or the single auto among the horse wagons and carts. Great fun and a cool "you are there" feel to the picture.


  1. I love the little yellow jasmine flowers springing up on those bare branches!

    And Emily Drive! What a find:)

    And thanks for the link, GJ:)

  2. lindag -- it's really funny about the yellow jasmine -- it really always does take me by surprise when it first blooms in the middle of the winter -- or does the first week of Feb. count as the middle of winter these days?

  3. This is a lovely collection, the 4th and 7th catch my eye especially, with the shadows on the off-white, rough surfaces.

  4. lucy -- what surprised me was how soft the shadows turned out to be. I had expected them to be sharp!
