Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Cortez Street -- at work, at leisure

As I walked down Cortez Street today, there were men at work -- and people enjoying their leisure. Most notable was ongoing work nearing completion of the Knights of Pythias building rehab. Specifically, the facade for the new gallery to occupy the ground floor; unfortunately, for-lease signs are the only current occupants of the upper two stories.

This pair of chaps (above, below) appeared to be taking care of minor problems at their shops. While I was about it, I got a good look at the interior of the Big Easy; it's a cool stand-up bar, something one doesn't often see these days. However, I didn't spot where a tatoo artist might be plying his/her trade.

Not everybody was at work or rushing to/from lunch. If I hadn't had a time crunch, I'd like to have joined the folks spending a beautiful day in the sun with interesting reading matter.


  1. It will be nice to see the finished building. It was perfect weather for a stroll.

  2. jarart -- it was a lovely day & I've been wanting to do a Cortez Street stroll -- these days, it is certainly as interesting as Whiskey Row...

  3. Anonymous9:57 AM

    The last 2 photos are great reminders to me to stop and rest awhile.

    With the warmer weather, it's a "moral imperative"!

    ~Anon in AV.

  4. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Looks like a great day for it, too. At least you had time to snap a few on the way. Nice shots.

  5. anon av -- they really looked quite comfy & I thought about finding my own bench, but I had a time problem!

    deck -- taking pix was part of the plan...I hadn't been on Cortez Street for a couple of weeks.
