Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Pie & a computer...

...what more could one ask for! I was already looking forward to my new machine, which arrives tomorrow, complete with my old computer's memory pre-loaded, when what should flash by the window on our way to breakfast this morning but these grand opening flags and pennants.

Berry's has moved into that cursed location down on Sheldon Street, between the Waffle Iron and the Citizens Cemetery. Their last location, over in PV, was pre-empted by some sort of fast food pizza emporium when I went for a pie fix with the Dotter last December.

I don't know if you're a Berry's fan, but I have been, ever since they were located on Grove Street in one of the two remaining Victorians on the east side, around the corner from Gurley. A long, long time ago. You see, I am a pie fancier. Berry's makes good pies (or they buy good pre-made pies, bake them off and sell slices. In any event, they're good.) Their meat loaf sandwiches are yummy, too. And their soup. Furthermore, they do not dilute their rhubarb pie with strawberries.

This location will make a fourth for Berry's. First was Grove, then they occupied the A-frame on East Gurley for several years before deserting Prescott for PV. I certainly hope they have the following to turn around the Sheldon Street store, which went through two totally different themes, lickety-split. (It was built as the Spaghetti Western Espresso shop.) Are you listening, LindaG?

Attention, Local Bloggers: we're having another blogger get together this coming Sunday, March 15, at Casa Sanchez, 1459 W. Gurley, at 2 p.m. Contact me ( if you've got any questions; otherwise, we'll see you there. The last time around, nearly 20 local bloggers made the scene.


  1. Wow, you are so lucky having blogger get-togethers. I wish I could do that... but I cant seem to find any close to home bloggers to meet up with at any location!
    Sydney bloggers have invited me, but it is too far to drive, & too long on public transport--- oldies need their rest!!
    I do love a good Pie, so here's hoping that outlet is a success!

  2. If one mentions going to get (lousey verb) a pie (pronounced poi) one is speaking of a meat poi vs a sweet poi. In UK and parts of Auzzie poi is accompanied by mushy peas. I've had the former, bu not the latter--I don't think that I've suffered.


  3. Boy, I sure hope Berry's makes it. I loved going there when it was on Miller Valley. I'm not fond of meringue but I will endure for one of their chocolate pies.

  4. Oh, right. It was Grove. I guess I really never knew the name of that street since it becomes Miller Valley, right?

  5. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Yum! And, their location looks inviting. I wish them great success in their new home.

    ~Anon in AV.

  6. Anonymous10:58 AM

    I recall my delight when you first blogged on the Spaghetti Western esspresso shop. So I waited too long, now it's pies, eh?
    I like the reflections in your photo. That and the street angle make it feel like a real 'drive-by.'

  7. meggie -- our get togethers are really quite fun; we've a good crowd of bloggers in what is a rather small city.

    bro -- what on earth do they call a Real Pie in OZ. How do you survive without a Real Pie (except in your household of course; I know that you are an ace pie baker)

    qd -- meringue leaves me cold also & no doubt it is crude of me to push it aside, but I do.

    anon -- actually, that location has been poisonous thus far! It's away from the usual eating-out traffic & as I mentioned, the first two operations there went belly up...

    deck -- ...and a pity it was, too. The Spaghetti Western's gelato was quite yummy.

  8. Hurrah! My Grandson told me he thought they were opening in town....

  9. lindag -- time to declare a National Pie Day, right?
