Thursday, March 19, 2009


He's gone missing! Our own muffler man, who's looked east over Fair Street since at least the 1970s, has vamoosed. When my late husband and I moved to the Prescott area in 1981, he stood there promoting Big Johnson's real estate.

Last year, he had changed loyalties -- after all, the real estate market was beginning its slide. So books became his new promotional line.

Today, I passed by this spot across from Fry's with a friend -- the bookstore was in process of being emptied out and our friendly 30-foot cowboy was no more. Vanished! That's $15-20Gs worth of collectible fiberglass giant gone, folks! He's not listed on eBay -- I've checked there; no muffler men currently listed. The best we can do now is read up on the cult of of the muffler men and keep our eyes peeled for his possible reappearance (if he hasn't skipped town entirely).


  1. Goodness me, he would be rather hard to conceal!

  2. Gee...that's a part of Prescott history gone..........

  3. NOOOOOOOOO!!! This sucks.

  4. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Perhaps someone moved it for St. Pats day. Dressed him up like an Irishman.

  5. meggie -- I would suspect that heh's been sold -- there's a market for those giant figures.

    azlaydey & tombo -- yeah, it's a bummer.

    steve -- that would take some doing, tho I'm sure that there are a lot of youngsters up to such a prank.

  6. Who would have the energy to steel such a fine fellow, I wonder.

    I've never seen the like...

    The closest we have in Europe is the Michelin Man, but he's not a patch on your chap.

  7. I've lived in Prescott all my 30 years and one of the earliest memories I recall was as a toddler riding around in my car seat, asking my mother about that guy.

    Next thing you know, the DAV Trift Store will get an 'h' and it'll all be over. :(

  8. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Perhaps the Big Guy is hiding from the law because, back in his real estate days, he was selling jumbo sub-prime mortgages.

  9. tales -- a bunch of these statues were made & they are scattered throughout the USA (and maybe elsewhere). Several models, too.

    jessel -- OK. you've hooked me. 1) how long as the DAV thrift shop been there and 2) what is an "h"?

    boonie -- could well be -- we've got our share of foreclosures (and even a blog to write about them...)

  10. The Disabled American Veterans Trift store has been over on Sixth Street for quite a while, 20-ish years maybe?

    By "h" I just meant the eighth letter of the alphabet. The DAV Trift Store is not a thrift store, it's the trift store.

    Read the whole story here.

    Just another bit of Prescott color.

  11. jessel -- oops! That misspelling went right by me the first time! Thanks for bringing me up to date on the origins of the Trift shop...

  12. When my youngest son was tiny, he thought that was a statue of his 'Papa." It did look quite a bit like my Dad!

  13. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Farmington has one and Gallup

  14. He's a bit scary, isn't he? A new generation of small Prescott children may be spared nightmares!

  15. lindag -- I imagine Prescott kids had all sorts of strange ideas about our local muffler man.

    anon -- and there are many more around the country -- check the link!

    lucy -- surprisingly, I've not heard from any locals who were afraid of the figure as children. Don't know just how I would have reacted...

  16. Maybe he came to Florida to retire... I'll be on the lookout to see if he shows up any of the places I go!

  17. sandy -- retire from Prescott to Florida???? Never!!! Besides, he has lots of brothers & you might see some of them in Florida.

  18. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Oh, no!!

    Anybody check the line at the unemployment office?

  19. melanie -- I haven't checked there, but I looked over at Lincoln & Grove -- he's not there either, tho seeing as how big & strong he looks, he might get work 1st thing in the morning.
