Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Strolling the neighborhood

This week, it is April in March. Not that I object. The world is transformed with the first poppy or the first violets of spring.

Not to mention the daffodils here and there throughout the neighborhood. Javelina-proof, too. In case you weren't aware, bulbs of this classic early bloomer are highly cyanic, that is to say, very poisonous. To man as well as to the pigs. They don't touch the stuff.

I found this pretty painted gourd in shrubbery on Coronado and took advantage of the last chance to photograph sycamore seed balls, minus foliage (below) in front of Lincoln School.

Stopped to admire the stacked stonework above -- no mortar; wonder how long these courses will hold up. The wall below has been in place many, many years, and so it's no surprise that the hydraulic forces are pushing the brick walls awry.

I finally got a satisfactory shot of a rear dormer on the Victorian at Park and Gurley -- and wondered when the construction declared by the sign below would begin in earnest. No evidence of it the past couple of weeks. And so a house which has been gutted for remodelling sits there, open to the world.

I've been eyeing this insulator each time I passed by; on yesterday's stroll, I committed myself. It's almost as photogenic as the wooden crossbar. As for the smudges below, they represent an interesting development. This is the First Time Ever, in my experience, that civic graffiti have been painted over, just like outlaw graffiti. Interesting.


  1. Anonymous8:27 AM

    It will be nice to see some flowers as lovely as the ones you shot. We had a few flakes of snow today and it's cold outside.

  2. Anonymous8:57 AM

    The insulator looks like a teeny tiny radio antenna. I love the sycamore balls. And I'm very very jealous of springtime in your area!

  3. steve -- the weather folk promise that winter will be back this weekend. So much for April in March.

    dotter -- it also looks like it might have arrived from outer space. You will get spring one of these days, won't you?

  4. Anonymous7:34 PM


    Spring is here.

    ~Anon in AV.

  5. I once worked for a company that made those huge transformer insulators. Though there is little use for them domestically, they are quite attractive in some gardens.

  6. anon av -- the daffodils are a remarkably reliable indicator.

    meggie -- actually, that insulator is not really big enough to show up in a garden, tho it is quite a handsome object.
