Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The corner is naked

Do you recall the NW corner of Willis and Montezuma, back in, maybe, December 2006? There was a big yellow frame apartment building on the corner, then, heading north, an old brown house, next to Hugo's. How fast things can change. They are no more. In January, 2007, the apartment house burned; this April -- maybe a week ago -- the brown house was dozed to the ground.

I had no file picture of the original corner building -- but did capture images of it right after the fire. As for the brown house, again my photo library yielded only this sad little shot framed by a car window.

Sunday I was on my way to the chalk art scene, walking down Willis, when I noticed changes at the corner lot. And then became aware that I was seeing straight through to Hugo's outdoor dining sheds (below).

Turning the corner, there was this big dozer smack dab in the place of the brown house, surrounded by rubble. Thus far, only the one-sided trees remain standing.

The question, of course, is what is in store for this choice property? We already have two prime vacant corner lots in the middle of town, across from the Square; will this corner also remain empty as long as the market is down or are plans already afoot? Has anybody heard anything?

Blogger Meet-Up Link: Thanks to Tombo for an upbeat write-up about our very small get together Sunday. You'll have to scroll down because I wanted you to also see his report on a strange little art exhibit in the city drainage ways. Tom has a knack for locating totally unexpected sights in what everyone thinks of as a fairly staid little town. Way to go, Tom!


  1. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Can't wait to read your future report on that corner.

    One hopes for good things to come!

    (Maybe another Apache Motor Lodge?) LOL

    ~Anon in AV.

  2. I look forward to seeing what happens there. I have to imagine more commercial property with such a prime location.

    And thanks for the linkage! :)

  3. anon av -- oh, you dreamer, you! It would only become another Apache Motor Lodge if there were a chain of Apache Motor Lodges with at least 350 members. Not a bad idea, now that I think on it... after all, that corner always housed more or less transient folk.

    tombo -- no way it could be anything but commercial. All the more likely to produce tax revenue for the city fathers.

  4. Anonymous12:11 PM

    In spite of what it represents, I find the one sided tree pic very appealing aesthetically.

  5. deck -- the poor thing is rather graceful looking, isn't it?
