Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Granite Dells Monster

With a driver at my beck and call last week, I finally captured an image of the iron monster who resides on the east side of SR89 in the middle of the Dells.

And a monster indeed. His fur is made of chains. He holds a piglet to his chest, prior to devouring it (below). He joins the other highly visible if not sanctioned iron men about town. (Not sanctioned = non-public art work, possibly created by individuals who might not be credentialed artists. No committees, no grantsmanship -- just the whim of an individual property owner. I like that. It could be me, if someone would volunteer to make me an iron man, monster or critter.)

The two other iron men that I'm acquainted with: above, the one-armed cowboy with a top hat out in Forbing Park and, below, the suave chromed gent at the front of the Electric Hog on lower Granite Street. These guys rate high on my list of favorite art about town.


  1. Those are way cool!

  2. Steve9:38 PM

    Unique to say the least.

  3. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Hot Men of Summer!


    ~Anon in AV.

  4. That's a pretty fantastic post. I'm off now to browse the rest of your blog, but I think I'm already hooked!

  5. froggy -- that's why I am so fond of them...

    steve -- another good descriptor...

    anon av -- oh yes!

    david#2 -- welcome; hope you're hooked by now so we can enjoy your company.
