Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Reincarnation of Berry's

There are some kinds of business that work their way into an individual's blood. Restaurants, for instance. When Berry's disappeared from its PV location a year and a half ago, I bid farewell to my favorite pure rhubarb pie and meatloaf sandwiches.

Then Berry's arose from the dead like a phoenix, now at that iffy Sheldon Street location which had already doomed two unknown cafes. I visited it with the kids yesterday and it was busy, busy, busy mid-morning. Said the waitress, the Berry family had retired, but, when they saw the "for rent" sign, thought that maybe a smaller location might be just right for them. Turns out they still had a following.

We were surprised at how much seating was possible in such a small-looking place: over 30 chairs. The kitchen is also small (below).

Among the nice touches: fresh flowers plus a flag on the table and colorful planters outdoors.

But most important of all, the rhubarb pie is as good as I remember from the G.O.D. (Good Old Days).


  1. That's a mouthwatering looking chunk of rhubarb pie. Next time you go there for a fix, please ask them what they use as a thickener. I recall that Mom used cracked tapioca. I could only find 'frog eye' here, so have resorted to sago which does a pretty good job.


  2. Yumm! Love their pies. Hope they stay put.

  3. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Ahk! It's so difficult staring at the lovely rhubarb pie, virtually, and not be able to eat it!!


    Berry's reincarnation and their pie just might make me buy a plane ticket and come on over. LOL

    ~Anon in AV.

  4. "Rhubarb pie and meatloaf sandwiches" - I had to read that twice as it seemed a new kind of "sarnie" to me. However, I gathered, with relief, that they are two different meals. That chunk of pie certainly looks good - I'll have mine with double cream, please, Granny.

  5. bro -- how about cornstarch or flour?

    jarart -- I sure hope that the Berry family doesn't decide to retire again anytime soon, as I too love their pies.

    anon av -- now that's a good idea; when will you arrive?

    avus -- could be one meal: first the meatloaf sandwich, then, if you've any room left, time for rhubarb pie.

  6. Good food will always be popular.

  7. meggie -- you're right, except that this is a particularly lousy location, where, to succeed, you already need a following.
