Friday, August 07, 2009

Alley hollyhocks

For some reson, alleyways are a favorite location for hollyhock volunteers. I haven't figured out any particular reason, but that's definitely the case around Prescott. On the other hand, these bright, old fashioned favorites really do dress up an otherwise dull scene. These two plants are recent comers to the shed down the hill from my place, maybe two years old.

And I must admit that, despite my general disdain for pink, I really, really admire the shading of this blossom. To answer your question, yes, I have collected seeds from these hollyhocks. Do I believe that they will find it as easy to prosper on my property as in that alley? No, nor do I expect them to grow for me without an inordinate dedication on my part.

Linkage: It's mom-and-baby moose time in Alaska; guess what ... the Omegas' veggie garden was devastated once again. Over in Japan, that may enable me to climb Granite Mountain one of these days; the dotter says that parts of the video remind her of the storm troopers in Star Wars.


  1. Anonymous6:29 AM

    In addition to your hollyhocks, alleyways are a great way to explore a town. They seem more real than the fronts of buildings, which seem created just for show. Alleyways are where most of the funky, unregulated stuff is.

  2. There are holyhocks all over the place out here in Paulden - in all kinds of colors. They are showy and fun - and they do spring up all over by themselves year after year.

    I agree, RV - there are some great alley ways in Prescott!

  3. boonie -- you've reminded me that I just happen to have a collection of alleyways, tho they are not close up and intimate. Of course, I agree with you about the comparison between a towns' front and back yards.

    frame -- if we were to declare an official city flower, it would be the hollyhock, just as the raven would win hands down as the official city bird.

  4. Ravens and hollyhocks are two of my favorite things.
    Did you ever make hollyhock dolls as a child? My grandmother used to help me make them--her Southern California side garden had an entire parade of hollyhocks going on.

  5. jarvenpa -- we have excellent ravens here in Prescott; every dumpster has its resident raven(s) as do all the food stores and restaurants. 's funny -- neither my mother nor either grandmother made hollyhock dolls.
