Thursday, August 06, 2009

Breakfast at the Hassayampa

Our intrepid Thursday morning breakfast crew is eating around town currently: two weeks at one restaurant, two weeks at another, with no regular venue. Two basic requirements: seat six or seven comfortably -- and make coffee refills easy. The past two sessions have been at the Hassayampa, in the hotel's classy Peacock Room.

The prices are not as frightening as we had imagined; the food and the service are both excellent, as we had imagined. At least, for breakfast. As I recall, the last time I had dinner at the Hassayampa was a State Occasion and fortunately, I did not have to look at the ticket.

Like the lobby, the restaurant decor harks back to the hotel's beginnings in the late 1920s, i.e., Art Deco. However, these are light touches -- the dining room is not overwhelmed with decor, thank heavens.

Prime examples: a series of etched glass mirrors plus fashion art work from the period. (Which reminds me that in one of my stashes is a collection of a late aunt's student fashion pastels, also from the 20s, which I will scan one of these days Real Soon Now to post. Great stuff!)

Oh, yes, lest I forget, the food. This morning I had lemon souffle pancakes with raspberry syrup. Five bucks a pop. Yummy.


  1. Scan them! Ooooh! What a great idea! I need to do that!

    Those pancakes look just yummy.

  2. Ooh pancakes for breakfast - sumptious - not had them since we were in New Zealand years ago - I'm off now to make my wife's breakfast porridge - I'm having cornflakes.

  3. You made me hungry.

  4. I think that auntie B's sketches would go over most well.

    There's some dinkum (genuine) art deco at the Hass.


  5. How deelish!! Felt as if I was there with you! I love going to places such as this and it really helps when the food is good, too! Thanks for sharing...

  6. Ah yes, good breakfast there for sure. Can't wait to see the fashion art!

  7. dotter -- the pancakes were yummy, but could have used about three times as much lemon (as you know, I'm a lemon junkie.)

    hyde -- don't tell me they don't do pancakes in the UK...

    steve -- it's a lovely place for good food...

    bro -- yes -- the hotel has been well restored to its original glory. BTW, I also have pix of the lobby, which will constitute another post.

    sandy -- my pleasure...

    jarart -- with the votes I've been getting, I guess it's time to hook up the scanner.

  8. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Love the Peacock Room!

    Love the Hassayampa Inn, too.

    A few years back, we booked a room there. When we arrived, we were told we were "upgraded" with no extra charge to a different room due to a wedding's lodging needs.

    We ended up on the Inn's only balcony room that overlooks Gurley. We sat there in the evening, ordered drinks and dinner room service on the balcony. Then, from there, we watched the Saturday night cruisers drive their hot rods until we got sleepy. It was May, the weather was perfect, and we fell in love with Prescott that year.

    Thanks, Hassayampa Inn!

    ~Anon in AV.

  9. anon av -- what a wonderful treat! I didn'teven know there was a room on the Gurley Street side that had a balcony! I've always wanted to have that wee tower room.
