Monday, August 10, 2009

More Professional Decor

I confess to a fascination with office decor, in particular the art found in local offices. Nor am I talking about the insipid, generic factory painting that winds up in hotel rooms. Quite the contrary. My family doctor features excellent, evocative water colors of western subjects painted by his mother; at an audiologists' office, I discovered an interesting photographic enlargement of one of the last Santa Fe trains passing through the Dells. Then there are the fine kachinas and old quilts that make my wait for xrays at Medwise more endurable, not to mention the excellent Indian art collection at the downtown Bank of America.

All of which brings me up to date. My annual checkup came due recently, to be followed by the annual visit to the medical lab for the usual panel of tests. The lobby of Bradshaw Mountain Lab is not a very exciting place to sit as you wait to let blood. However, I did take a closer look at the current exhibit this morning.

Photography, in this case. Furthermore, student photography. High school student work. Prescott High School.

And, as you can see through the transparent wrappings, almost entirely black & white photography, at that. I'm always surprised when the arcane chemistry of silver images resurfaces in this age of the digital everything. Particularly on the part of high school students, who tend to be champions of the latest and disparagers of the old and klunky. Admittedly, there is a grand b&w photo lab over at Prescott College, but then it is part of the art department.

It pleases me that at least a small group of youngsters are serving an apprenticeship in yesterday's arts. Their work will still be around when the lights go out. On the other hand, I served my time in the lab; I'm more than happy with the freedom afforded by the digital revolution.


  1. It was kind of fun in the old days of film, but like you I'm glad digital is here.

  2. Superb post. I would want to take the bicycle home. Definitely.

  3. I've got fond memories of watching images appear slowly in the developer, threading film onto spools in the dark, and listening to the buzz of darkroom timers.

    But it is sooooo nice in today's world to have "free unlimited film" to shoot pictures with, and to be able to crop positives & well illuminated images! I really like the modern camera world, but I hate to see companies like Kodak going under.

  4. steve -- yes, it was fun, but it was always difficult to make darkroom space, if at all, in tiny crowded apartments.

    king -- hope your balance is good.

    warren -- I recall a lot of time spent fumbling in a changing bag because I had no darkroom! (And, of course, no self-respecting poverty stricken young person would think of using a commercial service...) Today, it's so easy -- and so ephemeral.
