Sunday, August 30, 2009

Veggies with attitude

It's been some weeks since my friend and I happened across a sign at Gurley and McCormick that shouted "free vegetables!" Once we made the turn onto McComick, there was the follow up, at the Catalyst Infoshop. Figures.

I would expect that at the end of August there would be a larger selection of veggies than we saw that morning. We felt just a tad put off that the sign shouted "free", but laid a guilt trip with that donation cup at the point of purchase. Figures.

End of August Links: Warren is showing some mighty pretty cactus blossoms at Touch Wind. Jim Morgan continues to post Arizona wildflower pictures with ID on Picasa. And, from the sublime to the ridiculous, Toilets of the World, in pictures -- a travelogue of sorts.

Hey -- I just found a real goodie -- a Wikipedia entry all about hurricanes whose leftover bits and pieces have dumped rain on Arizona. There's a similar list for California. Some surprises in both. Not mentioned is that Octave (1983) washed out the Kirkland-Skull Valley Road and really dumped on the west side of Granite Mountain (something like 14 inches, if I remember correctly.) It also cost Prescott the end of the Santa Fe link into town.


  1. huh... I think I'll grow my own!

  2. Hmmn how free is free??

  3. I once asked a bank clerk "What exactly does 'free' banking mean?".

    She began to look very tired...

    Hope you had an enjoyable Summer.

  4. frame -- but then you live out north, where there is Real Soil! Those of us living on granite or lava crumbles have problems when it comes to growing veggies...

    meggie -- the eternal question.

    tales -- I was once told in my earlier years that one of the magic marketin words that always caught the attention of the rubes (and everybody else) was free!

  5. The 1983 gulley washer also left 2 feet of rain in the Skull Valley Store and I had to evacuate the Post Office at 2 AM, to Daryl Ballews equipment garage!!!

  6. lady -- it was very strange for us, living in Wilhoit at the time. We didn't realize thqt there had been such a huge storm until we drove over to Dick & Helen's to have breakfast. Hah!
