Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Thank you, one and all!

Thank you, every one, for your thoughtful messages! I really appreciate your friendship. The blur is beginning to ease up, though I've had to scale up the type size on my big computer screen so that I can actually read read. Curiously enough, it's been possible to take pictures, thanks to the point-and-shoot feature of my camera, so maybe by tomorrow I may have my first report about the past few days.


  1. Very glad you're back, Julie.

  2. Glad you are doing well!

  3. Welcome back!! Show us your new fridge.


  4. azlaydey6:36 AM

    I miss looking at your photos every day.........can't wait until your eye improves enough to resume your amazing view of the world!

  5. Anonymous10:28 AM

    YaY! GJ is online today!

    ~Anon in AV.

  6. Glad to hear you're back on line and all is improving. Glad RW was there to help you thru the worst.

  7. Anonymous2:00 PM

    I knew this wouldn't hold you back for long.

  8. cat-A -- very, very glad to be back!

    frame -- me too! I hadn't expected it to take so long...

    bro -- simple -- it's another side-by-side, without ice cube maker, but in almond, not harvest gold.

    lady -- got some nice ones while I was limping along...

    anon -- indeed YaY! Am I ever glad.

    jeanW -- the sson took very good car of me; besides, he's a good cook.

    boonie -- seeing as how my 1st cataract surgery 10 years ago gave me a good eye the same day, you can imagine how disoriented (and somewhat scared) I was this time with all the slow healing. Not fun.
