Friday, December 11, 2009

Storm finishes that broken oak

It was very recently I wrote of the broken tree down the street, noting that despite the crack spiraling up the trunk, there was still a substantial canopy (below) and that I wouldn't be surprised to see the same tree hanging in there 10 years from now. That's the way of many trees with a strong life force, especially tough little oaks.

Oh, how wrong I was! Our Monday night storm, which combined snow, hurricane force wind gusts, plus thunder and lightning was too much for big robust Ponderosa pines, that crashed into streets, power lines and porches around town. Why should we expect this crippled Emory oak to survive such an onslaught. It didn't, as the pictures taken by my neighbor make quite clear. It was simply too much of a storm.

Up the hill, I worried the wind might blow in my big picture windows; however, the only suffering at Chez GrannyJ (aside from cold feet) was the electric outage that lasted much of the night. Now another two El Nino storms are headed this way -- while my bro, in Perth on the west coast of Oz, reports that he's suffering from the back side of the same El Nino, which means drought.


  1. Anonymous11:20 PM

    Maybe a new oak tree will begin to grow in that same spot, GJ.

    ~Anon in AV.

  2. I wondered the same thing... if it might sprout from the base of the tree. Glad you had no damage! Surprisingly, our power did not go out, though I did loose my internet for a while. hehe - catching up like crazy in advance of the next storm... when I may be mia due to weather again *rolls eyes*

  3. anon av -- I don't know; do oaks grow new trees from the same old roots?

    frame -- well, the next storm is here as I write & it appears to be a mild one compared to the last. Much of my snow is finally on its way out.

  4. Indeed, GJ - we seem to have been spared this time!

  5. frame -- as much as I hate the cold, I'm sorry that the next batch of storms are scheduled to pass to the north.
