Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Design on 89

These days, a highway project is not a completed project without the art work. Our new SR69/89 overpass is a good example. According to the Courier, members of the local Yavapai Indian tribe were among those consulted about the designs. "The tribe wanted to show its cultural heritage and the city wanted pine trees," an ADOT spokesman told the paper.

The big circular designs are based upon Yavapai basketwork; I would guess that the frieze along the top represents the pine trees favored by the city fathers.

The deer is the one member of a chase scene on the side of the overpass that I've been able to photograph. The entire lot, best seen driving in from the north, consists of a mountain lion trailing behind the deer, who is following a coyote with a roadrunner out front. Unfortunately, all the designs are on the outside of the structure; if one is motoring into the city from Phoenix on SR 69, none of the artwork is visible!


  1. Wow - I will have to take a closer look next time I am in town! Trees? I didn't know that. very fun pictures! The deer is great.

  2. Civic grafitti... something we cold surely use up here in the frozen north... 'course, we're short on overpasses.

  3. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Actually, it does come together nicely. Kind of reminds me of some of the freeway are down in the Valley of the Sun, on the 101 and the 202.

    We're sending spring weather your way from the Left Coast!

    ~Anon in AV.

  4. Very attractive scratchings--contempoglyphs.


  5. Oh, the cyrillic spam looked interesting--I can transliterate, but not translate the text.


  6. I rather like it.

    There was an idea in the UK a few years ago to have sculptures on very recongnisable objects on roundabouts, partly so people could direct each other by them - 'Go left at the teapot roundabout'etc. I suppose with satnav there's less reason to do it.

    We have quite nicely landscaped roundabouts here in France, sometimes with sculptures.

  7. Enjoyed the post and the artwork that was done. So much better than graffiti. I wonder how long before some is spray painted on it.

  8. frame -- just be sure you come in on 89...

    od -- all because you'r short on real highways up in the frozen northland.

    anon av -- I kind a like the freeway art in Phoenix, though it's not as good as what I saw down in Tucson.

    bro -- nice word!

    bro -- I should warn you about comments on spam -- I get rid of the stuff as soon as I spot it! So I wonder what they were pushing...

    lucy -- roundabouts are just making their appearance here in Prescott, with much furor, pro and con.

  9. I do so wish that the bridges and overpasses in the East would catch on to the ideas of the West... these are charming and creative.

  10. sandy -- I'm surprised that they haven't!

  11. Anonymous10:01 PM

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  12. This is always a great initiative. public infrastructure is all the more richer for incorporating art.

    I wonder what the Roadrunner thinks of being depicted at the bottom of the food chain :-)

  13. anon#2 -- after such nice words, I hope you will keep returning to read my posts!

    anil -- well, the next animal depicted should be a big fat lizard, at the very least...
