Friday, March 12, 2010


There I was, thinking it might be time for a critter blog ... when what should come my way but an email titled Nap Time, complete with pictures (above, below). Pix from friend Bob. Where were they, I ask. Oh, in our front yard, friend Bob answers. Regular readers already recognize the four as young adult javelina, western hemisphere first (or second) cousin to Eurasia's wild boar. If your property happens to be on a regular route used by a small pack, you might discover a cozy napping spot hollowed out in the ground and, with real luck, occupants.


  1. Pretty placid looking critters in the subnambulistic state--ain't we all.


  2. Monica6:51 AM

    Ran into one of these at out local Starbucks here in Phoenix....Had dug a big hole next to the building and seemed perfectly content.

  3. The reason they're there is because they are being fed which is a NO NO!

  4. So cute when they are sleeping!

  5. Everyone says they're a pest but I gotta say... since they don't ravage my garden I think they're cute as a button.

  6. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Oh, dear, here I go....


    Cute bacon.

    ~Anon in AV.

  7. bro -- I wouldn't mind being in that state right now!

    monica -- that's kinda surprising. Usually these guys are pretty cautious.

    lady -- no comment

    jarart -- and when they are newborn, too.

    kate -- ah, but down here at 5400 ft elevation they do ravage gardens...

    anon av -- bacon not! Wrong species. Too bad.

  8. They look content.

  9. They are cute - and since I don't have any out here, they remain cute to me =p

  10. steve -- content 'cause they're well fed and the sun is nice and warm.

    frame -- no javelina up in Paulden? I'll be darned!

  11. I never thought of a javelina as cute, but this persuades me... my last go-round with those little beasties was cleaning up the mess a gang of them made in my daughter's back yard in Scottsdale when the g'son failed to put the lid of the garbage on tight. At that time I could only see them as juvelina delinquentas... ha ha

  12. sandy -- I'd hate to have a garbage mess to clean up -- and I'm sure that these little porkers would be delighted if we didn't have those uptippable tipsters that the city provides.

  13. How peacefully they rest.

  14. Book Journeys5:07 PM

    We live in Yavapai Hills and because there are no fences here we get a lot of Javalina and deer passing through. About a month ago a whole family was poking around our patio. There were tiny babies in the pack. They were so sweet looking. But we stayed indoors to watch as we did not want to upset the mom and have her charge us.

    Thanks for the photos, they are great!

  15. anil -- that's because they are well fed javelina

    bookie -- even a lion once in a while in your neighborhood. At my house a half mile from the Courthouse, we regularly saw javelina, there were neighborhood skunks and raccoons.
