Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sunshine yellow

Tomorrow, so I am told, will be dreary with a chance for yet another snow. Reason enough for a yellow post. Already fellow bloggers are posting their own yellows -- predominantly daffodils, but also wild poppies and desert primrose, not to mention early-blooming forsythia.

When I moved, the yellow upholstered furniture was a pleasant surprise, located in a day room in the middle of a long hallway at my new apartment building. Usually, such furniture is covered in rust colors or perhaps plum -- dark and gloomy, but certainly easier to maintain. But I much prefer the yellow; gives my spirits a lift every time I see it.


  1. Oh, how I do agree with you, Granny. I too get an uplift from yellow and that furniture must be a constant solace for you.
    I notice, here, that all our first flowers of spring are yellow (primroses, daffodils, forsythia)which give a gladness to the heart after winter's greyness.

  2. It looks comfortable. I'm sure you are getting tired of the snow. We got down to close to freezing last night and it's the first of April.

  3. Any gold in or around Thumb Butte??


  4. What a pretty sight and yes unusual for acommon day room.

  5. avus -- the one exception to the yellow -- the lavender of most crocus!

    steve -- I hear we had a small bit of snow/rain last night but the bad stuff bypassed us to the north and the south today.

    bro -- haven't been out that way recently. Wouldn't mind going to investigate, though it's likely to chilly up there.

    windy -- a welcome change from the usual!

  6. Yellow is a funny color and my favorite one. It can feel warm in the winter and cool in the summer. It begs attention but is always friendly.

  7. jarart -- another way to put it: yellow is cool at all times.

  8. I especially like the chairs in the last one, by the window, they look wonderfully comfy and just right for settling into with a good book - or a laptop!

  9. lucy -- they are big enough that I am absolutely lost in one of them; I have to pull my feet up under me. But great, especially as the location is sunny on a cold winter day.

  10. I so agree with you! How bright and cheerful.

  11. Yep, I figure God really liked yellow because He made so many yellow flowers, sunrises and sunsets =) They all make me smile! Great photos - glad you have some nice warm places to visit there =)

  12. meggie -- you should see the bright colors my dotter used in my apartment!

    frame -- I've often wondered why so many yellow flowers! Seems that it is especially the favorite color for sunflowers and all those other composites.
