All about the flavor of a small mountain city and the surrounding outback: neighborhood surprises ... wildflowers and nature ... the forest ... people and events ... plus occasional comments on science fiction, music, and the Great Wide World Beyond
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Glass baubles
Factoid: there are reputed to be 20,000 collectors of glass paperweights. On those few occasions that I see a small collection, I'm inclined to make it 20,001. They are such pretty things! I don't recall which antiquery here in town offered these for sale, but they were around last summer. And, yes, Wikipedia has an article on the subject. Of course.
Different glass baubles: these special painted Christmas tree lights I came across in a classroom at Prescott College. I wouldn't mind owning the set about December 20 or thereabouts. Glass can be a magical substance. Little wonder that colorful glass beads were such a hit with tribesmen in the days of exploration.
Good Linking: The dotter nearly had herself a thunderstorm, which apparently is something of a rarity in Alaska; she muses on thumderstorms here and there. In the meanwhile, over in France, Boxelder stayed at a wonderful B&B where the grounds included a strange assortment of cast-off gravestones and other curious churchly stones.
What very pretty trinkets. If I weren't such a clutz I might be inclined to own a few myself. :)
tombo -- the problem with pretty baubles is that they can take over your life -- and they do occupy space and collect dust!
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