Saturday, January 23, 2010


Hi, all--this is OmegaMom, GrannyJ's daughter. She wanted me to write a post to let you all know what's going on.

She's not doing very well, and I am here at her house to help her out. Looks like she'll need to go into the hospital/nursing home for a while to get her back up to par, see if evaluations show that there's anything that can be done. But right now she's in a fairly bad way.

She wants you all to know that the blog is the most fun she's had in years, and that she loved doing it. She doubts that she'll be able to keep it up--she certainly can't go out and take new pictures, and she has too little energy to put together posts from her stash of existing pictures. But the blog has been a source of joy for her for the past few years, something that she has truly enjoyed putting together and sharing with her readers, and she has loved the interaction with every one of you.

Take care.


Steve said...

I wish her the best and hope she get to feeling better.

Warren said...

I've certainly enjoyed Granny J's posts and wish her and you all the best for what you are going through now. -- Warren

Karen of Scottsdale said...

You will be missed by many fans!

Jean W said...

So sorry to hear this. Have so enjoyed this. All my prayers and best wishes go out to her.

diana said...

Please send my best to Granny J, will be looking for her to post again soon!!!

MariaJack said...

I've also enjoyed this blog. Best to you and yours and thank you.

quilteddogs said...

Oh, thank you so much for letting us know. I was worried and was just about to send an email when I checked her blog. I'm hoping for the best for her and that she is back in the swing of things sometime in the future.

Kathryn said...

Best wishes. I've never met her or even exchanged comments with GrannyJ but was getting worried at not seeing new blog posts. I've really enjoyed the blog over the last year. Please convey my thanks to her. And thanks to you for taking the time to let us know. Hope she bounces back.

Unknown said...

Omega Mom: Thanks for the update. I was just thinking, earlier today, about the extended "radio silence" on the blog, and it got me concerned. The next time you visit Granny J, give her my regards and best wishes for restoration to good health-- and also give her my thanks for this wonderful, informative, and entertaining project....

Catalyst said...

I'm so sorry Julie is going through this. Thank you, Omegamom, for being there for her. Please give her my best wishes for recovery.

Sandybee said...

I have followed the blog for quite some time and have had a good deal of pleasure from her words and photos. I'm thinking positive thoughts for the whole family.

Anonymous said...


Thank you for having lunch with my husband and me at The Raven Cafe. We always fondly conjure up that time you spent with us.

We love you very much, and I personally want to thank you for your wonderful blog. You have given me much joy every morning as my coffee and cereal "read".

I love you,

~Anon in AV.

OmegaMom, thank you. Prayers are with you,too.

bb said...

We can wish only the best for Granny.

Debbie said...

Big hugs from New Hampshire. I wish we were still in Arizona to give them in person. You and your family will be in our thoughts and prayers.

Changes in the wind said...

This is sad news for us all...give her our very best wishes and let her know she will be missed.

kaBLOOnie Boonster said...

Everybody else has already said what I feel, as well. Granny J is a tough old nut to crack. I hope the surprises are on the upside.


AZ said...

Tell Granny J that AZ will say a little prayer for her. Her blog entries were always a ray of sunshine in my morning.

Anonymous said...

Granny J lives quite near me, as I have extrapolated from her walks. I have enjoyed stopping by now and then to catch up on what she has noticed in her perambulations around and about. My very best wishes to her and many thanks for months of her whimsical point of view.

CIN&BUD said...

Our prayers are with you too!

Kate/High Altitude Gardening said...

Hi, Omega;
So sorry to hear this. I hope you are holding up okay and that Granny will be doing better soon. Please pass along to her that she will be missed. And, I'd like to send you guys some posies. You know where to find me, just send me a note, if that seems appropriate.

Barney, The Old Fat Man said...

GrannyJ you have taught me how to look carefully and enjoy the world around me. Great adventures are right at home. Thank you.

Toni Kaus said...

Several of us at the library are regular followers of Granny J's blog. Granny J, we're rooting for you.

TomboCheck said...

Get well soon Julie! You know we all love ya!

Melanie A. said...

I've enjoyed every one of Granny J's posts, and, selfishly, chafed a little recently: "Well, when will there be a new one?!"

Whenever I get back to Prescott I walk around and hope I get to meet Granny J on one of her productive perambulations. I haven't so far, but I will continue to hope.

Granny J, I wish the best for you and your wonderful family.

Judy said...

I hope you will be feeling better soon. My husband and I enjoyed your blog so much and will miss it. We also enjoyed that last picnic with you in the park back in July, and enjoyed meeting Omega Mom and Grandotter. All the best to you and yours.

Anil P said...

Her blog is a bright spark that adds so much to the daily living, the little bits of daily life that are significant in their own way.

I'm sorry to her she's not keeping well. I hope she's recovering fine, and am glad to read the update.

Granny J, wishing you a speedy recovery and an early return to adding joy to our lives.

azlaydey said...

I have learned so much from you about taking photos, Granny J.You are a most interesting person to talk to.I'll miss my daily visit to your blog to see what amazing photos are posted. I wish you the best.......concentrate on getting better.

Meggie said...

Having had my own bullets to dodge, I am lase getting to read of Julie's illness. I left a comment for her on your blog, & sorry, put Julia instead of Julie.
I am thinking of her, & do wish her a speedy recovery. Hugs, from OZ.

Lucy said...

Oh no. It was just hovering in my mind to worry about her, but somehow she's always been so solidly there...

Please give her all my love, she's such an inspiration.

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Kathleen said...

I was wondering what was up - so sorry to hear your news =( Praying for you all! Thanks for all the blog fun - hope to see you blogging again =)

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