All about the flavor of a small mountain city and the surrounding outback: neighborhood surprises ... wildflowers and nature ... the forest ... people and events ... plus occasional comments on science fiction, music, and the Great Wide World Beyond
Friday, December 12, 2008
Acker night street scenes
I'm home from a chilly evening of Christmas (and other) music. It's Acker Night, downtown is full of people, I have lots of pictures. And I'm tired. So: two street scenes that caught my fancy.
Scene the first, what the well decorated classic pickup truck is wearing this season.
Scene the second, a pause for roasted marshmallows over a warm flame.
No roasted chestnuts??? Marshmallows?
Where were the Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire? LOL
Every time I see an old pickup truck with a regular (one bench) cab, I admire what a sensible size it is. Easy to park, and not so heavy. You can hardly buy them like that, these days.
No roasted chestnuts??? Marshmallows?
Where were the Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire? LOL
~Anon in AV.
More and more folks are getting their Xmas lights up here. It won't be long.
Every time I see an old pickup truck with a regular (one bench) cab, I admire what a sensible size it is. Easy to park, and not so heavy. You can hardly buy them like that, these days.
anon av -- don't think there are any chestnuts west of the Rockies.
steve -- it's really a short, short time; besides, I get my Christmas gift late this afternoon when the dotter arrives.
boonie -- at one point, we had a little Toyota pick-up that the big boys sneered at, but it took us all over the mountains hereabouts.
GJ, good on you. Have a grand visit.
Thank you, Steve -- dotter arrived a few hours ago & we've been talking non-stop!
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