All about the flavor of a small mountain city and the surrounding outback: neighborhood surprises ... wildflowers and nature ... the forest ... people and events ... plus occasional comments on science fiction, music, and the Great Wide World Beyond
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
No inspiration tonight. Besides, I am sleepy, which interferes with inspiration. That hammock looks inviting. Night, night, everyone.
They're terrible for your back, hammocks!
Sleep well!
Hah -- I already knew that; they look so dang comfortable, though... And yes, I did sleep soundly, though I snuck in an hour of reading before hand.
Reading before sleep. A luxury I no longer enjoy, due to the GOM next to me!
Actually, I was sitting up in a chair in my kitchen reading -- I got out of the habit of reading in bed when I was no longer sleeping alone...
Hey, GJ, you deserve a day off.
Your posts are so well done, glad you got some rest!
~Anon in AV.
anon av -- I appreciate the sentiment. And the rest.
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