All about the flavor of a small mountain city and the surrounding outback: neighborhood surprises ... wildflowers and nature ... the forest ... people and events ... plus occasional comments on science fiction, music, and the Great Wide World Beyond
Monday, January 29, 2007
Garbage Past and Present
There's this relic of the past just around the corner. It's hard to see the chain -- but that's one lid that obviously never got tossed around on garbage collection day or turned into a hoop to roll down the hill and disappear forever. Of course, the question is: how come it's still there. Something sentimental, no doubt. It has to be...
...cause it's been a long time since the city distributed the standard green and blue tipsters to every household in town.
The days of lining metal garbage cans with newspaper are long gone.
Does anyone have a good substitute for the word "garbage?" It seems that some porn spam machine that posts comments must do a Google on words like "garbage", "trash", etc. One such put up three -- count 'em -- 3 copies of the same junk. So I want to change the title. Most Americans wouldn't recognize the English/Aussie "dustbin" and Roget didn't do very well by me either.
The days of lining metal garbage cans with newspaper are long gone.
Tho the city does ask that people put their garbage in plastic bags & tie them before dumping into the tipster.
Does anyone have a good substitute for the word "garbage?" It seems that some porn spam machine that posts comments must do a Google on words like "garbage", "trash", etc. One such put up three -- count 'em -- 3 copies of the same junk. So I want to change the title. Most Americans wouldn't recognize the English/Aussie "dustbin" and Roget didn't do very well by me either.
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