Monday, March 09, 2009
Catz! Why not?
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Aaahhhh, catz are for spoiling!
They give so much back in return; just in a way different than dogs.
Your Max Cat is so adorable.
....and, he knows it! LOL
~Anon in AV.
The face in the tin is an excellent and efficient method of preparing the receptacle for the recycling bin.
What a lovely guy Max is:)
Cats are okay. But, I could have shot the farmer's cat that used to walk across my car with its muddy paws. I found a solution. The car finally died and I junked it. I only have one garage and two cars. You know where the other sits.
anon av -- never have I had a cat who was as possessive as Max is, but then he's a semi-Siamese & I guess that explains it.
bro -- exactly my sentiments. He does a really good job cleaning out the tin.
lindaG -- yes -- and he knows it!
steve -- well, you have your squirrel collection & don't really need any cats!
Cats are vain. We have four of them.
froggie -- I thought you specialized in frogs, not cats!
We have a prominently displayed sign "SPOILED Rotten Cats Live Here" and it is soooo true.
I may be the clowder leader but my authority is often challenged. It's like having teenagers constantly trying you out.
But we love 'em and wouldn't be without them.
One's authority is always being challenged. Max thinks he is the alpha cat in our household, not me.
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