All about the flavor of a small mountain city and the surrounding outback: neighborhood surprises ... wildflowers and nature ... the forest ... people and events ... plus occasional comments on science fiction, music, and the Great Wide World Beyond
Monday, March 23, 2009
Heroic figures
Or something like that. Anyhow, tada!
This huge eagle adorns the west side of Cortez Street, down near the old RR station. He's the emblem of the fraternal order of same (Eagles), so much a part of the scenery that usually I'm not aware that he's present in all his predatory glory.
As for Super-Tippy -- I found this picture in my email after I had posted my library pix. I quite like the idea of the library dinosaur as a masked super-heroine, complete with bright R.E.D. cape.
The yard art is great. Andy speaking of yard art...Just catching up on the blogs since being out of town for a while and.....OH NO!!!....The Big Cowboy aka Muffler Man is gone? This can't be. How will I know what street I,m on without the landmarks. Glad I featured him on my City Daily Photo site before he up and walked away. We will miss him. Let us know if he turns up somewhere.
The do a good job on Dino.
The yard art is great. Andy speaking of yard art...Just catching up on the blogs since being out of town for a while and.....OH NO!!!....The Big Cowboy aka Muffler Man is gone? This can't be. How will I know what street I,m on without the landmarks. Glad I featured him on my City Daily Photo site before he up and walked away. We will miss him. Let us know if he turns up somewhere.
That Tippy! What will he be up to next!
steve -- they have a lot of fun with Tippy the dinosaur...
jarart -- think of what fun they might have had with the Muffler Man!
lindaG -- apparently that's up to the kids who are regulars at the library.
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