Plus the Day's Links: Let's start out with a spring walk through the woods down in Georgia, followed by a visit to a very old Breton church. Next, a nice comparison of natural high desert vs. high desert plus plenty of water. While we are local, LooseEnds alerted me to a new restaurant review blog, Prescott Good Eats, PrescottStyle notes the appearance of the Yavapai chupacabra, and LindaG spins off a third blog, Speaking Out in Freedom .
Are they talking about detailing vehicles?
Love your recent posts, GJ.
Been busy, but am glad to be back checking on you. Glad you found The Giant! :)
~Anon in AV.
steve -- oh, yes indeed. It's all about cars, but read with a clear mind, it certainly reads differently.
anon av -- I hope the busy paid off! Yeah, it's a relief to locate the Big Guy.
Thanks for the link!
lucy - - you're welcome; it was a lovely tour well off the standard tourist trek.
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